Født 520916 i Tirana. Økonom. Dr. Ansættelser på Metalkombinatet i Elbasan (75-78) og i landbrugsvirksomhed i Priskë, Tirana (81-83). Forsknings- og undervisningsvirksomhed (78-81, 84-90). Generalsekretær for Ministerrådet 9012. Medlem af Præsidentrådet 9102. PM i Overgangsregeringen fra 9102 frem til 9106, hvor han blev afløst af Ylli Bufi. Blev derefter Minister for Udenlandsk Økonomisk Samarbejde - men holdt kun posten ganske kort .
Formand for Socialisterne (tidligere Kommunistpartiet) fra midten af 1991.
Anholdt og 9404 dømt 12 års fængsel for uretmæssig tilegnelse af statens ejendom og forfalskning af papirer - begge dele i forbindelse med modtagelse af Italiensk nødhjælp i 1991. Løsladt af Sali Berisha efter pres i 1997- afsonede dermed ca. 3 år.
PM '97-'98. Trådte tilbage fra alle poster i forbindelse med uroen i 9809 efter at være flygtet - vist nok til Makedonien. Se nærmere i (Fra »Krudttønden i baghaven«, s. 157 f.).
Kom stærkt på kant med PM Pandeli Majko. Valgt som Formand for Socialisterne 991010 med 295 stemmer mod 261 til Majko (der blev støttet af Ilir Meta).
991005 En Domstol har - i overensstemmelse med såvel Anklagers som Forsvarers påstand - erklæret Fatos Nano uskyldig i dé anklager man i sin tid rejste mod ham for tyveri af og bedrageri med Italiensk nødhjælp. ... Senere fik Nano en erstatning.
PM 0207
ATA skriver: »Fatos Nano - Prime Minister Fatos Nano has been holding the post of the Socialist Party chairman since the creation of this party, on June 13, 1991. Nano was born in Tirana in 1952, and has graduated in the Faculty of Economy, Political Economy branch, in the Tirana University. Known as a liberal economist, he has worked a teacher of political economy in one of the departments of the Faculty of Economy. In 1989 Fatos Nano defended the scientific title "Doctor of Sciences in Economy. At the end of 1990, Nano was invited by the government of that time to make his contribution to the transformation of the communist centralized economy into a free market economy. In February 1991, the President of that time, Ramiz Alia, named Fatos Nano as Prime Minister of a technocrat government, which prepared the first free pluralist elections in Albania, which were held on March 31, 1991. In June of the same year, Mr Nano was elected chairman of the Socialist Party of Albania, which was formed after the end of the 10th congress of the Party of Labour of Albania, PLA, declaring the completion of the political mission of the old communist party and the creation of a new party in the spirit of European social democracy. In the elections of March 22, 1992, in which SP was a great loser, its leader Fatos Nano directed the Albanian opposition and only three months from the loss of the general elections, Fatos Nano led the triumph of SP in the local government elections of July 26, 1992. In 1993, DP and former President Berisha accused the opposition leader Fatos Nano of »appropriation of Italian aid« and on July 30, 1993, Nano was imprisoned and sentenced with 13 years in jail. In March 1997, after the burst of people's revolts and the signing of the March 9 agreement, former president Berisha, pardoned Mr Nano, who returned to the SP leadership physically, too. He led SP to the victory of June 29, 1997. Later, he was appointed to the post of the Prime Minister by the ex-president Rexhep Meidani, a post which Nano held only for one year and on October 28, 1998, he resigned from this position. Since that period, he continues to hold the post of the SP chairman, and after the June 24, 2001 elections, and the creation of the new parliament, Mr Nano was elected Chairman of the Foreign Policy Parliamentary Commission. Actually, Fatos Nano holds the post of the SP chairman and that of the Premier«.
I konflikt med Ilir Meta, der i sommeren 2003 forlod Regeringen. Nano blev genvalgt på Partikongressen i December 2003, hvorefter han ændrede Regeringens sammensætning.